Monday, May 14, 2012

Sorry for being so lazy on posting and finding sweet music. BUT, this song should make up for it all. The band Foxes is pretty astounding. It is in fact only one girl, Louisa Rose Allan, a 22 year-old from Southhampton. If this song doesn't give you goosebumps I don't know what will. 

Here is a link to their website. Check it.

Friday, May 11, 2012

so aside from the fact that forever 21 is a great place to get clothes, it is also a great place to discover new music. i always stumble across a song that plays that i suddenly fall in love with. so right there, right in the store, i whip out my ipod and quickly write down a couple of the lyrics so that i can go home and look it up on Google.
and then, i am introduced to beautiful music like this:
oh em gee. doesn't it make you just want to swing your hips?
cause i know that's exactly what i'm doing right now.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Even If You Don't Believe in Religion

Night runs are always the best. Especially if it's in Colorado and the sky is full of stars and the mountains are in the background and its 50 degrees outside.  But the best part about night runs is they give you time to think. Think about the joys and heartaches in life. But mostly the joys. This summer was one of them. Sad story real fast, we are moving. As in my whole family, minus my dad, are moving to Utah, which is pretty much the most unfortunate event of the year. This means that this summer really has to be the best one yet. I know people tend to say this every time summer approaches, but I sincerely mean it. For all of those who would like to know, summers in Colorado are THE BEST. They consist of hikes, bike-in movies, night swimming, downtown concerts, Pearl Street, First Fridays, camping, streaking, IKea, Red Rocks, and tons and tons of laughter. So we are making the most astounding video ever created to document the beauty of this last Colorado summer. Another joyous affair I thought about on my run was this video that you will watch bellow. Even if you are not religious this video will inspire you. 

This is something to watch often. Especially if you are struggling because it promises to lift your spirit. It gives us hope that there is love in our lives regardless of how depressed and alone we might feel. It also addresses one of the greatest sins of all: judging. This is most definitely a prevalent theme throughout the lives of young adults and throughout religion in general. I love being a part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It has changed my life in more ways than one, and has provided me with enduring happiness. However, the people in the church, like all religions, are sometimes crazy and do things that drive me completely insane. Judging is one of them. Just because somebody is wearing short shorts and you choose not to, does not mean they are a bad person. Reality check: EVERYONE SINS. If you didn't you would be translated. The thing that people have to remember is that every person sins differently. Just because someone's sin is worse or different than ours, doesn't mean that they don't deserve our love or God's love. As humans, we do not decide the fate of a dammed soul. That is up to God. So shut your trap. I also appreciate the fact that we, as humans, have different beliefs that we stand up for. Being on this earth, there are going to be many, many people who have beliefs that are different than our own. This does not make them inferior from us. In fact, they are quite similar to our own nature. They have something they believe in strong enough to sacrifice for it. I love being in a room where there are different ideas and thoughts being discussed back and forth. What I hate is when the diversity of those ideas brews hatred and spite. This is the problem with our world. No one is willing to see past their own insecurities to realize that people are entitled to believe in what they choose to believe in. And just because somebody stands up for what they believe in, does not mean that they wish damnation upon the souls of the opposing side. I wish people could see this. I think a lot of events that are happening in our world right now would change. So after all of this rambling about the human race and its flaws, I love people. And I love the opportunity we have to meet someone new everyday and change the lives of all those around us. 

I also love my Savior and the sacrifice he made for us. I am grateful for his guidance and love that provides me with the courage to get out of bed every morning and face the day. I am grateful that we all have the opportunity to become better people as we lean on Him in our darkest hours. I am grateful for the angles he has sent to my house to keep watch over my family. They have brought peace into a home that is so filled with uncertainty and heartache. I am grateful for sisters. They are the best to shop with, dance with, cry with, and yell at. And finally, I am grateful for the capacity to love other people. This, ultimately, brings the greatest joy in life. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Chelsea Gurl.

so let me tell you a little about this girl who i am proud to call my sister. her name is chelsea. she's kind of a big deal.

she goes to BYU-I. she does not like it (whoops). but, being her little smarty-pants self, got a 4.0 every semester, earned herself a scholarship, and got into the nursing program. as a result, she is still stuck in the hell-hole we like to call Rexburg, Idaho.

chelsea likes to come down to provo on the weekends to visit britterz and i. (britterz, also known as brittney, bbspears, and b$, is my roommate/our best friend) jordan does not get to visit chelsea because of her busy gymnastics/school schedule. however, this weekend was a 3-day weekend, and jordan was able to visit chelsea.

and by visit, i mean be in Rexburg for a total of 12 hours. however, this visit was very nice, and jordan was able to experience a little slice of rexburg.

isn't it beautiful? this is exactly what it looked like when i arrived at 3 in the morning on the Salt Lake Express shuttle (except it was darker)

aside from all this, i would like to take the time to say how wonderful it was to visit my older sissy. it defs the highlight of this semester so far. soon... soon we will be reunited, but this time.. perhaps in colorado, where things don't suck.

i love colorado.
i also love my sister.
she gives me things.
like this little beauty right here.